Benefits of drinking lemon water

Infused water is in fashion nowadays. In case you don’t know about it yet, infused water is nothing but just water in which one has put sliced lemons, lime, cucumbers, strawberries, mint, etc and left the water refrigerator to be consumed later.

The water is believed to infuse all the nutritional benefits of the fruits/herbs, which when consumed, will benefit our health.

While this is the rage right now, the knowledge of the benefits of drinking lemon water has been passed down to us since generations. Here, I will be sharing what I know about the benefits of lemon water.

Although preparing lemon water is no rocket science and almost every one of us knows how to make that refreshing magical drink, I would like to share how I like my glass of lemon water

Take a glass of lukewarm water and add:

1. Lemon juice and lemon slices (Always use fresh lemons rather than the artificial lemon juice from a bottle)

2. A few sprigs of mint

3. A teaspoon of honey or a few pieces of jaggery

4. A slice of freshly cut ginger

5. A little bit of cinnamon (optional)

6. A sprinkle of turmeric (optional)

1. It promotes hydration- Water is the best beverage for hydration but drinking too much of it is often tough. However, adding the juice of lemon will add flavour to plain water, which may help you drink more.

2. It’s a good source of vitamin C- Vitamin C is often associated with reducing the risk of stroke and lower blood pressure. Also, Vitamin C helps the body fight against free radicals which are harmful to the cells.

3. It supports weight loss- Lemon water supports weight loss, although the evidence associated with it is anecdotal. Moreover, the antioxidant compounds in lemon may offset the negative effects on blood glucose levels and improve the insulin resistance which may in turn benefit diabetic patients.

4. It improves your skin quality- Vitamin C found in lemons may help reduce skin wrinkling, dry skin from aging, and damage from the sun.

5. It aids digestion- Drinking warm or hot lemon water when you wake up may help get your digestive system moving.

6. It freshens breath- Lemon is thought to stimulate saliva and water also helps prevent a dry mouth, which can lead to bad breath caused by bacteria.

7. It helps prevent kidney stones- Drinking ample amount of water prevents body from kidney stones and adding lemon may help to drink more water.

Remember, consistency is the key! So drink more water throughout the day and do it regularly.

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